Saturday, April 17, 2010

...and the doctor screamed "1.21 JIGGA WATTS"

Yack Yack Yack,

I want to talk about everything that's been going on. The problem being the topics at hand are incredibly all consuming and have been discussed by myself to such an extent in real life that I'm tired of thinking about them.

A couple of things briefly,

I'm not as poor as I once was. A few decent paycheques and some government tax money has lessened my overwhelming debt. I'm still talking to my lawyer in regards to the accident I had last year, so there might be some progress there as well.

I barely live at home these day. I'm so caught up in other things, on the run constantly, and I'm wearing myself down.

Death sucks, heartache sucks, work sucks... I keep thinking "I want to go home" but "Home" is some idealistic metaphoric conceptual thing...Must be, because my house isn't really where I'd like to be.

I feel like debbie downer today.

I'll live, please don't feel the need to add pitying, comforting, or supportive comments. I'm not looking for feedback today, just ranting. Letting these fingers go for a stroll and seeing what happens. It's like my head's too full to rationalize my thoughts, all of the excess just leaks and seeps out slowly until I can contain it again. Blah Blah Blah, what you thought you knew yesterday has been subverted today. Your shock at the facts that things are changing and perhaps not for the better, is a silly thing. You know things will never level out for long. You can't always be laid back, as hard as you might try. Sometimes your backs to the wall and your head hurts and every fiber of your being just screams RUN LIKE HELL.

You can't run. Don't have the guts or the money or the will power. Have to make the best of what you have.

Sometimes there's nothing you can do and it's out of your hands.

-Absent Minded Man.

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