Friday, July 3, 2009

Time Lag

So I'm lagging behind, sue me.

I've got some important news, my school actually approved my petition... How nuts is that? You want to read the university jargon included that essentially calls me a moron and says this will never happen again? Read on!

"NOTE: This examination was scheduled to be written on Friday May 1st PM 2 - 4. The official Arts and Science examination schedule for S/Y courses was made available to all students on February 13th 2009. Examinations are scheduled for 9:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and or 7:00 p.m. only. The Faculty expects student to be attentive to information that is given and do not wait until the last minute to contact the instructor for examination preparation.

Timetable Misread - Your illness began AFTER this examination was to be written. Under no circumstances will the Faculty grant special consideration for a missed examination due to your own error again.

See that? They think I'm slow! Ah well, all is well that ends well. I suppose I just have to pass the bloody thing and get it over with. This however means lots of reading I really, Really, REALLY don't want to do.

ALSO! I have to go apartment hunting again, and this time on less of a budget and without a viable room mate! My line of credit isn't nearly as paid off as I'd like, so this is going to be a little tough to say the very least. Do eight month (ie: school year long) leases exist in the city? I'll get back to you.

Onto my job! My best friend is gone and I have a loudmouth co-worker who likes to complain about me to my immediate boss when I'm not around, life is grand aint it?
Mind you, this same co-worker likes to talk smack about everyone and is generally an all round it's not really like he's singling me out, but come ON man, knock it off.

The love life! What love life? Things were momentarily up, with a nice swift kick in the nuts to bring me back down. Lovely.

Osap! Tells me my parents make too much money, even though I pay all my own tuition...perfect... I might be able to get something out of them, but that's more debt on top of my student line of credit. At least I won't have to pay it ALL back, and it's got a nice tax kickback though. This is assuming any of it works out though, and right now it's kinda sketchy.

The Tower! Just winding down with Wizard and Glass, 630 pages in and counting, Rolands tale of youth is almost over and I likely wont be able to move on in the series until after my differed exam date, which will be sometime in Aug but remains TBA.

I don't have time for a social life, and I've got too much on my plate without it, but it's the only way I can stay at all sane. I'm feeling really lost at sea for the time being.

As always faithful few, I appreciate that you bother to read. One of these days I hope to do more than periodically rant.
