Friday, January 22, 2010

Misty days, caught in the rain.

First things first faithful few

Misty <-- Open in new tab to hear awesome while you read.

If you haven't yet, go listen to this track, it's A) fucking awesome, and B) hopefully a taste of what is to come.

It's my brothers band, they reunited not too long ago and are talking about doing some recordings (EP, LP, not sure yet)

He used to play this in my living room all the time and his vocals soared. We had thin walls and I could hear this throughout my entire tiny place. This is the soundtrack to the best memories I have in my apartment in Toronto. I hear this, on a sunny day, and I miss it so much it almost hurts.

I want to go skating, I want to go filming, I want to strap gloves to my hands, throw a board under my feet and duck and weave my way through an unsuspecting pedestrian population. I want to tuck and bomb hills, screaming past cyclists and cars. Do you have any idea how fast it feels to be moving 40 or 50 Kph when you're standing on a piece of wood attached to wheels?

I want to do Parkour, to sprint into a world of concrete with a shit eating grin and take it by force. To move with ease up and over stone walls and railings, to free fall and roll and never lose momentum. Heart racing and entirely calm in my mind.

I want the weather to change, the scenery to change, and the city to be my home. I want to be moving at a million miles an hour.

I want to be in school...I want to meet new people. Sitting on my ass in Pickering is not my aspiration.

All of these things I want, but I have to live up to my name and go after them. The weather will change without me, the longboarding and Parkour will come with ease. Progress will not come without time and effort though. The school and city living will take more work, but it's not impossible. This is the nexus in which I stand. What do I have to do to make it all align again, to get it back, to make it better than it ever was?

I'm serious that when ever I find myself still, and my mind starts to drift, I picture myself sprinting. I never know what I'm running from, or where I'm running to, but I recognize it's a internal cry for freedom. Stop sitting on your ass my body screams,

Internally I'm all a jumble, but things are sorting themselves out. One wake up call after another and you start to make progress.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

One more time to kill the pain.

Sometimes you need wake up calls from those close to you. Those insightful few who can see through the bullshit and call it like it is. To those of you that can, to those of you that do, and to you faithful few...

I give you, Tom Petty's - Last Dance with Mary Jane.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Reading, Verticle Elation, Hibernation. Oh and One Disease Please!

I have a disease, but we'll get back to that.

So I've been Jonesing for alone time these days. Social overload over the holidays was fun, and I'm still captain social by most peoples standards, but I'm putting the car in neutral and not seeking my way out into the social world as much these days. It's nice to stay in, and catch up on things like reading.

This week alone I've gone through over a thousand pages, it feels good to meet small personal goals. Most people will never be able to make a statement like that. Now don't start into how fast you've read Harry Potter, LOTR, or god forbid anything that has anything to do with Twilight. In fact, if you're obsessed with Twilight you can get the hell off my webspace. Do not pass go, do not collect two-hundred dollars, get the hell out of here. Take your (and I quote) over indulgent poorly written fan fiction with you.

HP and LoTR are cultural phenomenons, they almost don't count. I'm not bashing them, I own and have read all of the books aforementioned (except Twilight, NO FUCKING TWILIGHT GOD DAMN IT!). But I consider myself a Bibliophile and it's nice to do some solid reading and put a few books under my belt in the span of a week.

Brent Weeks, Orson Scott Card, I applaud you gentlemen for entertaining me and robbing me of sleep. You're both at fault for my zombie-esque appearances at work and for sleeping my days off away.

I'm finally going back to my training. Crawling back into a gymnastic gym environment to start throwing myself around again. The feeling of being inverted 10+ feet above the ground is addictive. I've needed to scratch that particular itch for a while now. I have more personal goals to meet here. Standing back tucks, Arabian flips, back hand springs, etc. I have the support of a long time friend who teaches at the gym, hopefully she can help me master some of these goals. Mostly it amounts to me putting in the time and effort. I know I'm physically able, and repeated attempts to learn these moves will only help my muscles along and build the muscle memory needed to make them second nature. I'm really looking forward to that.

As for my disease, it's nothing major, but it is incurable so far as I know. I have Raynauds Disease (sometimes called Raynauds Syndrome). Essentially I can have strange physical reactions to emotions, and from the cold. My fingers swell, my feet start to tingle, and itch, I can have hive like break outs. This is something I only discovered this winter, but it keeps happening, and it's pretty fucking annoying to boot. I shoveled my drive way the other after noon and came inside to find out I had big stiff feeling sausage fingers. I made a fist and it felt like I was wearing those over-sized "Hulk Smash" gloves. Weird to say the least, but not that big of a deal in the long run.

It appears that people do occasionally read my blog, so as always I say

Thank you, Faithful Few.


Friday, January 8, 2010


When your ring finger's itchy
Body wont sit still
Impatient mind and a sketchy will
Careless coercion
Squandered time
Can't seem to place what you never could find
Your call isn't calling
On these memory free days
But you're stumbling onward
Got bills to pay.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

So it's 2010,

That's cool right? Yeah. I've been working nights recently, socially anyways. The plan for the last week has been stay out until 6 am ish, come home, sleep until about 4pm, rinse and repeat.

I should recap the weeks worth of events...or you know, the last month or two. I've sort of ditched the effort to blog. Maybe it had something to do with having an audience that consists mostly of my friend Alex (god bless his cotton socks).

I'll get back here shortly to actually fill you in on my musings and activities. But right now I'm awake and it's only quarter to two pm. I should be asleep for another two hours or so, so my body hates me.

I'm off to little Britain for the day,

Cheers Alex

If there are more of you...I don't know, write me or something and I'll give you a shout out.