Sunday, January 10, 2010

Reading, Verticle Elation, Hibernation. Oh and One Disease Please!

I have a disease, but we'll get back to that.

So I've been Jonesing for alone time these days. Social overload over the holidays was fun, and I'm still captain social by most peoples standards, but I'm putting the car in neutral and not seeking my way out into the social world as much these days. It's nice to stay in, and catch up on things like reading.

This week alone I've gone through over a thousand pages, it feels good to meet small personal goals. Most people will never be able to make a statement like that. Now don't start into how fast you've read Harry Potter, LOTR, or god forbid anything that has anything to do with Twilight. In fact, if you're obsessed with Twilight you can get the hell off my webspace. Do not pass go, do not collect two-hundred dollars, get the hell out of here. Take your (and I quote) over indulgent poorly written fan fiction with you.

HP and LoTR are cultural phenomenons, they almost don't count. I'm not bashing them, I own and have read all of the books aforementioned (except Twilight, NO FUCKING TWILIGHT GOD DAMN IT!). But I consider myself a Bibliophile and it's nice to do some solid reading and put a few books under my belt in the span of a week.

Brent Weeks, Orson Scott Card, I applaud you gentlemen for entertaining me and robbing me of sleep. You're both at fault for my zombie-esque appearances at work and for sleeping my days off away.

I'm finally going back to my training. Crawling back into a gymnastic gym environment to start throwing myself around again. The feeling of being inverted 10+ feet above the ground is addictive. I've needed to scratch that particular itch for a while now. I have more personal goals to meet here. Standing back tucks, Arabian flips, back hand springs, etc. I have the support of a long time friend who teaches at the gym, hopefully she can help me master some of these goals. Mostly it amounts to me putting in the time and effort. I know I'm physically able, and repeated attempts to learn these moves will only help my muscles along and build the muscle memory needed to make them second nature. I'm really looking forward to that.

As for my disease, it's nothing major, but it is incurable so far as I know. I have Raynauds Disease (sometimes called Raynauds Syndrome). Essentially I can have strange physical reactions to emotions, and from the cold. My fingers swell, my feet start to tingle, and itch, I can have hive like break outs. This is something I only discovered this winter, but it keeps happening, and it's pretty fucking annoying to boot. I shoveled my drive way the other after noon and came inside to find out I had big stiff feeling sausage fingers. I made a fist and it felt like I was wearing those over-sized "Hulk Smash" gloves. Weird to say the least, but not that big of a deal in the long run.

It appears that people do occasionally read my blog, so as always I say

Thank you, Faithful Few.



  1. Thanks for the comment!

    I've actually been reading a lot these days.
    My ongoing read is From Ink Lake, which is a collection of Canadian short stories selected by Michael Ondaatje. I've always been fairly into Canadian lit, with a few exceptions. It's a good read, and a nice combination of genres so far. Some of the stories aren't really my style, but I've had a taste of a few others who's work I've had to add to my reading list.

    Otherwise, I've mostly been wallowing in Sci Fi and Fantasy, mostly the latter. Revisited George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire books, which are by far and away the best fantasy books that I've ever read. Really well written, and realistic for a low magic universe. They're the only books that have been able to completely crush me and yet still make me want to keep reading. The characterization alone is worth a read; discerning the heroes from the villains is actually fairly complicated sometimes, and there are some people that you never can decide if you actually like them or not.

    I've recently also started reading Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince trilogy. It's interesting, and a good read so far. I'm not completely sure what to make of it yet; sometimes, the characters get a level of complexity added, but I almost feel like they recover a bit too easily from some of their choices and torments. Sometimes.

    Other than that, a new term has started, so I suspect that most of my reading for the next little while will be textbook-related.

    My "to read" list keeps growing and growing...luckily, I got a Sony eBook reader for Christmas, and it's actually helping me make a good dent in my pile!

  2. I'm guessing your Raynaud's is a really mild case? There's usually discolouration of the extremities as a result of it...interestingly enough it has connections to Scleroderma...they kept an eye on me a lot in the earlier years to make sure I didn't suffer from Raynaud's, and they thought Thomas had it at one point.

  3. Sam- Nothing I've read or seen had to do with discoloration permanently. It does cause temporary discoloration, they turn red or white where the areas are effected. The "hive" esque reaction makes my toes go white in spots. Weird Weird Weird. I have to get it looked at, it can be a symptom of arthritis as well which is something that scares the hell out of me.

    D- It was you I was quoting, if you remember our talk about about Twilight. R.R. Martin is a genius, but if you haven't read Brent Weeks I highly recommend him. He references Martin as one of his influences. He also has no fear in killing off characters, something I quite like.

  4. i bought a big ass light. when you decide that its time to come out of your work/sleep/read mode lets make some photos. later

  5. Best get yourself to a specialist!

    On to books - I blew through A Song of Ice and Fire last winter when I was off. Great stuff. Can't wait for the next book

    Now im on to The Nights Dawn Trilogy by Peter Hamilton. Excellent. I'd imagine you'd enjoy 'em
